CIS Information Center Superior Civil Partnership
still sings
Sponsored CLOCK 60 HS For the
Civil Association "I still sing" and the CIS organized Superior Computer Center during School Coexistence and Conflict Negotiation and the course Animation Art School Community Partner each 60-hour clock with teacher assessment sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the Province, Resolution: 582/07.
School Coexistence and Conflict Negotiation , beginning September 13 8-12 pm. Within the agenda is scheduled to work on: the problems of school life, tools for addressing the daily discomfort, links healthy sick links, conflicts that unfold in the school, the incidence of teacher authority and the institutional fabric, school mediation programs and interventions and professional prevención.Los are the Music Therapist by Alba Lugo, the lawyers and mediators and Star Catalina Celano Asuad approaching the problem from prevention, negotiation and mediación.La course duration is two months on Saturdays every fortnight. It is designed for teachers of all areas and regimes.
Animation Art Community Partner School, beginning September 20 8-12 pm. The aim is to provide resources for the teacher can design and implement programs that recognize and encourage the development of individual potential and contribute to the prevention group and control of social problems .. The form will be developed through workshops of plastic arts, theater, music, Body to motivate, raise awareness, mobilize, call, prevent, recreate, etc. These resources will be ranked in animation programs, events and school parties.
The training team consists of graduates in social work, psychologist, Music Therapist, Prof. Plastic, Physical Education, Music, Theater.
The course duration is two months on Saturdays every two days. It is designed for teachers of all areas and regimes.
For information and registration
contact: IESA, 2070 Mitre Avenue near Ayacucho. or telephone: 03752-435252, or mobile: 03 752-15372690.El e-mail is: INNS-MISSIONS