After reviewing the news of my country and the world, after seeing so much misery , suffering, unemployment and hunger in the face many people, I remembered a song by Ismael always stays current, live in history, and I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bsharing it with you, who are shipwrecked also in this world in crisis and seek to survive in this oasis of words and feelings as I I do ... Thanks for joining me in this way
Why do not you stay home
Sometimes I wonder why Empire bit off the wings of my dream, why
before birth and gave us for dead,
imagination why he is so afraid.
why I seized the adventure and hope?
Why landed on the beach?
Why so much effort into ensuring for my safety? America
Why does it hurt?
Why the touch of your skin shielded boiling the Caribbean?
Why do not you stay at home,
to see if it solves what happens in your suburbs?
Soon stars will rain in your neighborhood, and send
the army, in charge of cleaning.
that there is not a speck of dust heavenly
not going to be that taxpayers give to dream.
Why does it hurt?
Why the touch of your skin shielded boiling the Caribbean?
Why do not you stay at home,
to see if it solves what happens in your suburbs?
dream of another planet is inhabited,
for when this is all yours
there can send your soldiers.
And when you learn that is not the triumph,
uncertainty I prefer your order in this world?
America Why does it hurt?
Why the touch of your skin shielded boiling the Caribbean?
Why do not you stay at home,
to see if it solves what happens in your suburbs?
Why do not you stay home?
Why do not you stay home?
Why do not you stay home?
Watch your beautiful American city,
the Harlem can be Vietnam tomorrow.
I just do not ask, they ask thousands of throats.
Listen to them.
Why do not you stay home?
Why do not you stay home?
Why do not you stay home?
The clear message of this song
you know him: Yankees go home.
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