Today is a special day for Catholics, and missing exactly 9 months to Christmas, so it's translation has set this date as the Annunciation of the angel to Mary, and what better day than this to promote a yes to life, because if Mary had not given his own, not be celebrating Christmas or Easter, or anything like that. For others it is best to forget a date, but I want to give my YES.
Honestly, I can not understand why it aborted. In this post I'm going to spend to make comparisons a little more violent (if there is something more violent than million abortions ...), but as some people might argue that My comparisons are not valid because a fetus is a living, I'll start there:
A little studied biology you know that the cell is the smallest unit of life, so knowing that the zygote is Cell resulting from the union of male and female gamete, we can say that from the moment of conception there is life, but what is human? In short, no think it's life on Mars, but that first cell also contains all the genetic information that will be defined later, so you can say it is the person to be when you are 6, 25 or 98 years. It is the same person. But it seems, can tell someone. "Y. ..? Does the Hunchback of Notre Dame is less a person than you? The fibula dwarfism 'disease, are less people? Someone is missing a leg, is less human because it does not look like you?
Let us, therefore, to study the reasons:
1. The child will be born with a deficiency : I do not think it takes so much about this, right? Do any of you think we should kill all people with impairments? Are they less human than you or I?
2. The mother can damage : sorry, but this reason I do not think so. The maternal instinct to protect their children makes it impossible for a woman kills her child to survive her. Sulen appear in news headlines style man kills his wife "or" drunk teenager is charged to his parents before killing himself, but I've never seen one that is "mother stabs his 17 year old son," for example. I do not think so. The problem must be elsewhere.
3. I have 15 years, I have been raped and I'm vergüeza go to school with an oversized belly, what fault do I have? : certainly not your fault, but the child has you're going to kill? This is, in my opinion, the argument difficult to refute, because I really feel sorry for the teenager which have been abused, and it is normal that we feel, but this does not justify murder. I'll try to explain with an example.
Imagine this: an employer has an identical twin brother (by definition identical to it), which is a criminal and is in prison every now and then. The poor businessman simepre feel a deep shame that his brother out on the front pages of newspapers, because it is impossible not to associate him with, as the resemblance between the two is incredible, so he decides to kill him and is just their problems. Really? Do you think your problems are finished? Can not be that now feels a sense of guilt about his brother being charged? And in the case of abortion, is not it more the feeling of guilt for murdering your own child to shame you can spend a few months?
Anyway, I know it seems easy to talk about this when you are a man and you know it's genetically impossible to get pregnant, but on a day like today I am bound to say this.
Before concluding, let me clarify one thing: Although this post is labeled as "religion" that is because I start talking about the Feast of the Annunciation. I think it's a mistake to think that Catholics are the only pro-life. It is a matter of religion but humanity.
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